To run with a good technique is essential for a faster, efficient, and injury-free running experience. It is here that drills running become important to support building up the right form. The running form drills help you do better motions in all the planes and thereby boost performance. Read on.
Understanding drills for running better
The running drills can be understood as technical workouts or skill exercises that help the muscles in memorizing the movement pattern that the body follows. After this, the body starts performing them automatically. These drills also serve to become great warm-ups when done before races and difficult training.
The drills are supposed to be a combination of various movements that are very important parts of the running techniques but you cannot specifically isolate them. So these movements are then taken out- like marching and skipping and then made into drill workouts which may look slightly odd in the first instance.
The runners who do these running form drills utilize the muscles better and keep them safe from injuries. They also become better at handling fatigue.
These drills are beneficial to all types of runners as they serve exclusive purposes too. The beginners can improve upon their athleticism by getting into proper mechanics and form. The advanced runners also benefit the same way.
Benefits of drills running
Following are the many ways in which these drills help you:
You can combine the drills with other training workouts like cross-training to reap advanced benefits. Watch this video to make the feet coordinate better.
The right way of doing running form drills
The drill exercises require skill and a bit of technical focus. They perform the best when done along with a proper training routine and give valuable results for improving any race or challenging workout.
It is advisable to perform the drills in the following order:
You can do the drills in the evening during the off-season of training period or even when you don’t have to go for any competition. Do them after the runs on the easy days as well. You don’t have to do drills every day and you can do 3-4 of them together with 2-3 reps each. Make sure you wear the right shoes when doing drills running.
13 best drills running
We are going to tell you some of the best running form drills that target your stability, cadence, and speed to make you perform even better.
This drill running is highly comprehensive for they put the primary components of running- glute muscles and the hamstrings to work. These two body parts get active during the propulsion period of running. The A Skips require you to use high knees while skipping.
You have to bring the leg down and then paw it a little while pulling backward which is the key to the move. You must put the force on the glutes for this movement and then bring the hamstrings along. This back pulling movement will then be processed into the muscle memory and it will be always used during propulsion.
The arms move just like they do in casual running.
This drill is very similar to the A-Skip but you extend the leg forward first here. This lets you do the backward paw movement as the foot lands and gets pulled with the hamstrings getting stretched along. Again, the arm moves in the same way as it would while casual running.
You should perform both these skips as per the natural foot rhythm. This is the pattern in which is the feet make a sound when they strike and scratch the ground while pawing backward.
Butt Kicks
This drill running is another move that works on conditioning the hamstrings and glutes that are essential for a stronger stride. This move can easily be considered as a variation of high-knee running where you don’t just have to kick backward.
For doing this drill, you pull the heels upwards and aligned right below you. The toe, heel, and the knee remain pulled up during the entire time and positioned in a straight line. Make the knee come forward but not like the high-knee drills.
Move the arm as you would during casual running.
It is also called grapevine drill and incorporates coordination along with abduction. This particular workout aims to stabilize the muscles for even better performance. This plays a crucial role in the running performance, if not primary.
The method of performing this drill is crossing the legs, one at a time, on the front side, and then the backside of the body. It looks similar to moving sideways. The position of the arms would change from being held on the sides first and then used just the way while running.
High knees
These running form drills are performed during the loading part. It resembles the A skip drill but you make foot transitions here instead of just skipping. You should try to break the vertical plane in every impact with the thighs.
The right way to do this drill is by putting special emphasis on the foot which includes driving it down and bringing it back up in the right way. You don’t have to lift the knees in the process. You should move your arm during this drill just the way you would do while running casually.
Side-to-side skips
This builds the stabilizer frontal muscles and improves their coordination. All you have to do is bring the feet together and then skip them on both the sides one by one. Keep a distance of your shoulder width between the feet.
Cross over your arms in the front while skipping.
This drill helps the spring and loading phase of running to get proper. You have to push the feet downwards starting with the toe and the heels have to only slightly touch the ground. This is a difficult move, so start slow and then pace up gradually keeping the cadence high.
These drills running are just like controlled sprints but the difference is to avoid straining or sprint it all out. You must increase the speed gradually for the first 40 meters and doing the rest 60 meters in high speed and proper form. Strides aim at improving the technique and boost the running pace.
Heel-toe Rocking
This drill running is meant to stabilize the posture so that you get the right head start. You have to rock back and forth on your toes and while moving the hip in the same rhythm and putting the major force on them. Allow gravity too to lead the motion and keep taking a few steps forward.
Inseam pulls
This is another leg drill for improving cadence and thereby making a softer impact. You combine the butt kick and high knee moves here and pull one foot up keeping it aligned toward the leg inseam of the other leg. Use the hamstrings and the hip too along with quadriceps for drawing the leg up.
Stable Arm
These drills running are difficult but very effective in improving body stability by arm movements. Here, you start by running for 10-20 meters keeping the arms straight and lifted in the front. Do the same in the next distance range by keeping the hands together.
In the next phase, run with arms up and held together in the front. You will notice how the cadence will increase and stride will shorten up. It also builds the core while making the runs easier with relaxing shoulders and loose arms.
It is a high-intensity drill that improves efficiency and power. These are exaggerated runs involving a lot of horizontal and vertical displacement where you do the strides for more distance and height. You can perform this drill running either uphill or on flat ground.
Hopping drills
This adds enhanced springiness to the running and you have to stay aligned along with keeping the body balanced. Here you have to two rounds of small hops for 30 sec each letting the heels touch the ground a bit. You have to keep the belly, core, and butt tightly held while the ankles, breath, and shoulders stay relaxed.
The drills running are an invaluable part of any training regime and when done consistently, they make you a more efficient and smarter runner with least injury proneness. Pick among these running form drills that we provided and make a suitable combo for you to get better on the track.
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